Sunday, May 22, 2016

Making my dreams alive! - Part II

Okay time to continue where I left off in the previous post. I want to give you all a heads up that this post will be all out fangirling to the extreme! You have been warned! Haha! XD

I forgot to add the loot picture in the previous post, but here are all the concert goodies I bought plus few extra items. Those cardboard boxes include a poster and a thermos bottle. I spent almost 300 euros on all the goodies but it was sooooo worth it! I'm most happy about that pen light (or cyalume light or what ever they are officially called)! I wish I could've got another one but the queue lines were insanely long every time I checked so I didn't have enough time to buy an extra. (;___;)

I saw Love Live shoe laces on Gamers store and just HAD TO buy these Eli-laces on my shoes! I was so devastated that I forgot to take my Kotori sneakers on my trip because I wanted to wear them in the concert but at least I got a little comfort from these shoe laces... XD Harasho~!!

Finally March 31st arrived and I was so happy and so nervous at the same time, and it felt like I had a million butterflies in my stomach! I tried to spend the morning in Akihabara but I was too excited to focus on anything so I just decided to head to the venue. Tokyo Dome was full of Love Livers already and the atmosphere was indescribable! I smiled like a fool all the time because I still couldn't believe it was all really happening. There were people singing the songs, cosplayers taking pictures with other fans, and as silly as it sounds I felt like I was finally part of something, like a big family!

At 2 p.m the doors finally opened and the chaos begin. There were so many lines to different gates that I got really confused. First I queued in a wrong line but then I decided to back track all the way back to my gate and started following the line from there. After lining up for about 30 min I finally got in and found my seat with a help of one of the staff members there. I think my seat was great even though it was bit aback. I had a clear view at all the 5 stages and saw the screens clearly too. The grandstand was really steep and at first I thought I'm going to fall off if I stand up but in the end when everyone was standing it didn't feel that steep anymore.

Light blue is Eli's color.

While waiting for the concert to start they played Love Live songs through the speakers and people immediately started singing and waving their pen lights! It was a great way for me to practice and memorize some of the pen light choreographies. Pen lights are a must have accessory in every pop concert nowadays (in Japan) and usually the most popular songs have their own "choreography" how to wave the lights, when to shout or sing and so on. I spent about a month to practice all the moves and shouts for LL songs by watching their previous lives.

All girls in Love Live have their own signature color, so that means that you can change the color of your pen light to represent one of them. Also when they introduce themselves one by one, you need to change your pen light to their respective color while they speak. If they all perform at the stage you can just use the color of your favourite girl, but if there is only few girls performing you use one of their colors instead of you favourite (unless she's on the stage ofc). Some people use also the color of the girl who is the center of the song and especially during their solos. But in the end just wave the lights however you want as long as you're having fun! The true meaning of pen lights is to show your support and love for your favourite character after all.

The concert started at 4 p.m. I felt goosebumps all over my body when I saw the girls first time on the stage! They started with "Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE" which is their first single (you can see the full set list from here). It was so surreal and amazing feeling that after so many years of admiring them behind my computer screen I was finally there, in Tokyo, watching them perform live! I just couldn't stop smiling! µ's has been such a huge part of my life for over 4 years and this concert was definitely my ultimate dream come true!

My favourite outfits! Angelic Angel, Eli as center!

I told my hubby before the concert that there are 4 songs which are the most important to me and it would mean a world to see them live... Well my wish was heard and they sang ALL OF THEM in this concert! I can't believe my luck! All in all the set list was almost perfect and there was a good balance with their old and new songs. :)

(Hanayo, Honoka, Kotori)

Lily White
(Nozomi, Umi, Rin)

(Eli, Nico, Maki)

All the subunits performed 3 different songs; 2 from their latest singles and one old song. I was so happy that BiBi was the last to perform because they really blew up the whole Tokyo Dome! The atmosphere hit the roof immediately when Cutie Panther started to play! BiBi is definitely my favourite subunit because their chemistry with each other is just so spot on and their songs are always very upbeat! Soramaru (Nico's voice actor) is so funny on the stage and I've started to like Nico's character much more because of her.

They also sang all the songs from the movie. Before they started Sunny Day Song, Rippi (Rin's voice actor) teached a new choreography for the audience to use with the song. It was so cute and fun to practice together with them!! (>w<) The concert lasted almost 6 hours and there were only few 5-10 minute breaks during which the girls changed their outfits. It's amazing how they were able to perform so flawlessly and give their everything for unforgettable experience to the fans! Eli's voice actor has been suffering from a knee injury for some time and I was afraid that she wouldn't attend to the Final Live, but luckily she was there! She skipped few dances though and even had her own moving platform so that she didn't have to run between the stages!

Tokyo Dome glowing orange!

µ's had 2 encores. In the first encore they sang Snow Halation, which is a song that they have performed since the very first live. Snow Halation is the perfect example for pen light usage. The song starts with everyone waving white lights, but when the final chorus starts everyone change the color to orange thus mimicing the transformation in the original PV. I have always wanted to see the transformation from white to orange and I gotta tell you... no pictures can describe it!! It was unbelievable and definitely one of the most magnificent sights I've ever seen! So awesome!

Thank you µ's!

Before the final encore they showed a memorial video of their previous lives and while everyone was watching it, they rolled out a giant flower in the middle of the Tokyo Dome! Just like the one in the ending of Love Live movie! Then "Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari" started to play and the flower opened with all the girls standing inside it wearing the outfits also from the movie! After they finished the song, the whole stadium started crying and singing the song while µ's said their goodbyes to everyone. I cried so much because the truth finally hit me.. It was time for µ's to move on. It might sound funny, but I really felt empty inside and tought "now what?". I know there are new girls coming but still... they are not µ's. I love these 18 girls with the bottom of my heart and I'm not ready to let them go! Not yet. (;___;)

The Final Love Live was one of the best days of my life!! I couldn't be more happier or grateful that I was able to be there! Patrick said to me that everything is possible if you want it enough, and after failing the first lottery I decided that I'm going to go to the concert no matter what! And so I did. It surely wasn't cheap but it was worth it and I would do it all over again!! Because my love for µ's is forever!


  1. Ihanaa että pääsit kokemaan tämän uskomattoman elämyksen livenä ja kiva kun jaksat jakaa kokemuksen myös meidän muiden kanssa, päästään ainakin kuvien ja tekstin kautta mukaan henkeen! Toi valotikku on niin mainio ja kaikki muutkin ostokset fuuu~ ♥

  2. It's so great to read about your exhilarating experience! I'm so happy for you x3
    So lucky you got to hear your favorite songs as well, I know the feeling! :D :D

  3. Voin vaan kuvitella niitä fiiliksiä tuolla unelmien konsertissa! Ihan mahtavaa, että pääsit tuonne! ^o^

  4. Olipa tosi hienoa että pääsit tuonne! Kiva lukea näitä tekstejä kun fanitus-innostus välittyy niistä niin hyvin~ <3 Koska itse fanitan kaikenlaista niin minusta on aina ihana lukea muidenkin fanitusjuttuja. :)
    Voin kuvitella, että jos minä pääsisin Chiral Nightiin tai johonkin Chiralin eventtiin niin tunnelmat olisivat aika samanlaisia kuin sulla tuolla konsertissa! :D

    Jännää kun kirjoitit noista valotikuista, olen katsonut joitain konsertteja Youtubesta ja niissä tosiaan välittyy tuo että innokkaat fanit opettelee valotikkukoreografiat etukäteen. Haluaisin joskus mennä tuollaiseen konserttiin missä pääsisi kokeilemaan valotikkujen viuhtomista! :'D

  5. Ai niin! Kun kirjoitit tuosta yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteesta muista faneja kohtaan konsertissa niin mulla oli aika samanlainen kokemus WonFesissä! Jännää! Ehkä tämä on japanilaisillekin osa tällaisten tapahtumien viehätystä, saa olla rauhassa fani toisten kanssafanien kanssa yhdessä!

  6. Apua! Et kuule tiedäkään miltä tuntuu, kun vuosi sitten blogisi kadotin ja nyt löysin vahingossa uudestaan, tekisi mieli itkeä! Olen ollut huono fani, en yhtään muistanut blogisi nimeä ja epämääräiset googletteluyritykset eivät tuottaneet tulosta.. vesisade marraskuun lopussa ei tunnukaan enää ärsyttävälle, voi tätä riemun päivää! ♥



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